Friday, March 25, 2011

Abbey Dawn For Men by Avril Lavigne

U can check out the full release and price of new T.Shirt from Abbey Dawn (For MEN) collections by Avril Lavigne below!

Britney Spears - Femme Fatale (REVIEW by DAILYMAIL)

Femme Fatale isn’t an outright triumph. Britney’s natural voice, thanks to her Southern roots, has an appealing, homespun twang.

Here, it is so distorted by auto-tune and other pieces of studio trickery that its distinctive, raspy quality has all but vanished. Spears might not be able to showboat in the manner of Aguilera or Beyoncé, but she has a stronger vocal signature than she displays here. Some of the lyrics, too, are embarrassing. In trying to compete with pop’s other good-girls-gone-bad, Britney delivers some cringe-inducing double entendres.

‘If I said I wanted your body, would you hold it against me?’ she coos on Hold It Against Me. Groucho Marx and the Bellamy Brothers have a lot to answer for.

But there are plenty of positives. Recent single Till The World Ends is catchy and infectious, its syncopated hooks typical of its co-writer, Ke$ha.

Elsewhere, Madonna’s Confessions On A Dance Floor provides an obvious template for the synth-driven Inside Out.

Considering that Spears has declared herself a huge fan of the Black Eyed Peas, Will.I.Am’s Big Fat Bass is a big fat disappointment. Opening with the title phrase repeated over and over again, it is a characterless, Euro-influenced club workout that even her producer’s animated rap fails to salvage.

How I Roll and Trip To Your Heart, both produced by Bloodshy, are better — the first a stripped-down techno number, the second a swooning electro-pop track — while the Fraser T. Smith-produced Trouble For Me also stands out.

Just where this leaves Britney remains to be seen. Her singles no longer storm into the upper reaches of the charts, but she is a trouper who can still fill the world’s biggest arenas despite those lingering doubts as to the authenticity of her live vocals.

With so many of her original peers having stumbled, Femme Fatale at least keeps Spears in the reckoning. In heading so determinedly for the dance floor, she has freshened up her sound. The fact that she has also rekindled some of her old pizzazz is a bonus.

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For me, i gave this album 3.5/5. It's Britney Bitch!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Movies [ Weekend Box Office]

Weekend Box Office (Estimates)
March 18-20, 2011

#1. Limitless
Weekend Gross/Total Gross
($19,000,000 // Debut)

#2. Rango
($15,315,000 // $92,577,000)

#3. Battle Los Angeles
($14,600,000 // $60,602,000)

#4. The Lincoln Lawyer
($13,400,000 // Debut)

#5. Paul
($13,155,000 // Debut)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Review : Lady Gaga - Born This Way [Single] 2011






At first, I was expecting some crazy ass dance wasn't what i expected, BUT

I will say this,

no one lied when they said it was an anthem cause YES! it is a fucking anthem, it has anthem written all over it. Her vocals are fucking amazing. It's so GAY. it has HOMO written all over it. Haha, but it's doesn't mean others people can't listen to it.. the song is all about being yourself, and loving who you are and who you love. It reminds me of a people who just came out of the closet, walking down on the club , on a sunny day! It sounds happy, upbeat, light, happiness and peace but honestly, this song is going to make you either HATE it or LOVE it! Its something where you hear it and its like :




I already KNOW this song is going to make gaga on a whole other level cause it's different and weird! At first I was a bit put off by the obvious Madonna references, but then I just thought, fuck it. You know what? Born This Way is a fun song with a great beats and empowering message. At least Gaga fucking wrote the song and she wanted it to be meaningful, at least Gaga is evolving and is a TRUE artist. Haters can hate, but Gaga is still #1 in my book. She really is paying tribute to her fans in the opening "put your paws up". Then this captivating music follows that draws you right into the great vibe of the song. This song will certainly draw more listeners cause it has this magnetic good energy. It doesn't really matter if it is reminiscent of Madonna's big hits. Why is it such a big deal anyway? All musicians get inspired from each other and POP music always been recycled. It just happens that Madonna's songs are big hits and people remember them. So, for me, Born This Way is the one of the best single in 2011.


Pirates of the Caribbean Movie Posters [NEW]

Check out these two new promo posters for the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean movie, no more Keira, but here we go Penelope Cruz.. AMAZING. Pirates of the Caribbean "On Stranger Tides" will be in cinema on May 20!

Friday, March 18, 2011

[Download] American Idol Top 12: Studio Recordings

01. Casey Abrams – Smells Like Teen Spirit
02. Haley Rainhart – I’m Your Baby Tonight
03. Jacob Lusk – Alone
04. James Durbin – I’ll Be There For You
05. Karen Rodriguez – Love Will Lead You Back
06. Lauren Alaina – I’m The Only One
07. Naima Adedapo – What’s Love Got To Do With It
08. Paul McDonald – I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues
09. Pia Toscano – Where Do Broken Hearts Go
10. Scotty McCreery – Can I Trust You With My Heart
11. Stefano Langone – If You Don’t Know Me By Now
12. Thia Megia – Colors of the Wind

Britney Spears interview for Rolling Stone

Do your kids like the new record? What have they said about it?
Yes. They definitely dance to it but its kind of funny because they are still confused .... It’s like, ‘who is this Britney Spears singer in contrast to mommy?’

How has your involvement in the record-making process changed over the years?
I have always been heavily involved in every album I have ever made. I'm very stubborn when it comes to recording and will only record songs I love, which is why it takes me a long time to make an album. I have to feel connected before I record and the song has to spark something inside me. Very few songs do that. I guess it's a good process because I love all of my music. I know there are a lot of artists that hate songs they recorded. I don’t feel that way.

What was your idea for the overall sound of this album?
I wanted to make a fresh-sounding album for the clubs or something that you play in your car when you're going out at night that gets you excited but I wanted it to sound different from everything else out right now. I also wanted to experiment with all the different types of music I love which is why you hear a mixture of pop, hip-hop and dance throughout the album. I also really wanted to play with my voice and change up my sound here and there which was really fun.

You hear traces of some real cutting-edge dance music on the album - for instance, the dubstep break on “Hold It Against Me." How do you find new sounds?
I listen to a lot of different music from all over the world and I guess I just gravitate towards what sounds fresh and what makes me want to move. I really didn’t want to record anything on this album that could be mistaken for anyone else out there. I think my first two singles, “Hold It Against Me” and “Till The World Ends,” sound completely different from anything else and I think when my fans hear the rest of Femme Fatale they'll see how fresh every song is.

Do you still go out to clubs? What kind of dance music do you like?
I don’t go out that much anymore but when I do, I definitely like to go out and dance. I'm a big vibe person when it comes to music so a song really has to make me feel a certain way in order for me to fall in love with it. I love hard pounding dance songs with really beautiful melodies over them. Those are my favorites.

What kind of music do you listen to at home?
I love the Peas but I also love Deadmau5. I guess I’m all over the place. Lately I have been listening to Robyn and Adele non-stop but I also love to find new artists that very few people know about. It's one of my favorite things to do because it's like being part of a secret. Friends and people around me are always showing me new artists that they love and that's how I learned about Sabi and ended up working with her on “(Drop Dead) Beautiful.” I have always wanted to feature a new artist on one of my albums and she is really cool.

What led to your collaboration with What was it like working with him?
The Peas make incredibly catchy, fun pop/dance records and I LOVE's style. I have always wanted to do a song with him and would love to work with him more in the future. He is so interesting.

Dr. Luke has become a big-name producer in his own right since your last album � is it different working with him now?
Not really. We have known each other for a really long time. Most people don't know this but we actually worked together when I was recording “Blackout.” He was incredible back then and he has only gotten better over the years.

Dr. Luke said last fall that "I want [the sound] to get harder in some ways, and maybe a little more deep into electronic -- grimier." Did you have that same agenda for the album? Do you feel like you accomplished that?
When we first sat down to talk about Femme Fatale I knew I wanted to make a dance album that was ahead of everything else out there but unique to me which is why I was so picky with the recording process. I only wanted songs that I immediately connected to. I also wanted to make sure that this album was completely different from Circus or anything else I had ever recorded. I love Circus but I wanted something darker and edgier. I also wanted to make an album and didn't want to just record a bunch of songs and put them together. I think Femme Fatale is really connected from start to finish.

What is it about Max Martin that makes you so comfortable collaborating with him? How much bigger of a role did he take on this album than he did for "Circus"?
Max played a huge role on this album and he has been there since the beginning so there is such a huge level of trust. He gets exactly what I am saying when I tell him what I want and don’t want musically. His melodies are incredible and he is always coming up with weird sounds, which I love. The whistle on "I Wanna Go" still gets me every time I hear it. Who would have thought of that? There is nobody I feel more comfortable collaborating with in the studio.

How would you characterize the studio relationship between Max and Dr. Luke?
They are two peas in a pod. It’s a total bromance.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lady Gaga - Born This Way

Lady Gaga has released her anticipated video for her #1 single "Born This Way" . What did u think about the video? No more outrageous outfits and incredible dancing, it's all bout giving birth to new race of new humanity. i enjoyed it.